Who doesn't like to have a snack and do something good for yourself at the same time? Desserts and health are usually difficult to reconcile. Those who want to snack often reach for processed foods containing sugar and are therefore more likely to damage their health. Anyone who has ever dealt with nutrition knows that popcorn - when it comes to TV snacks - is definitely one of the healthiest. Popcorn is low in fat, contains no sugar and mainly provides carbohydrates and important fiber. It even contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals! So it makes sense that if you want to have a healthy snack, you should grab popcorn. If you also want to have a concentrated load of vitamins, then it is best to combine it with a superfood. It's wonderful that the superfood chia goes so well with popcorn: Chia pudding with caramelized popcorn simply goes perfectly together!


Chia is a superfood that provides a huge load of vitamins and other important nutrients. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, iron and calcium. What other food suitable for dessert can claim that?
Chia is great for pudding. If you then combine this with xylitol caramelized popcorn, you have a very healthy dessert that tastes excellent. Plus, it's super easy!


Ingredients for the chia pudding

  • ½ cup chia seeds
  • 1 ½ cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of popcorn (preferably with our Popcorn Corn Butterfly)
  • Xylitol to taste


Simply put all the ingredients, except popcorn and xylitol, in a bowl and mix well. Cover and let the mixture steep overnight. When you're ready to snack, remove the mixture, add xylitol to taste, and blend with the immersion blender. The popcorn without adding sugar or salt with the popcorn loop prepare. Then heat the xylitol in a pan and melt it. When it's runny, toss the popcorn in it, caramelize and let cool. Pour the pudding mixture into a glass and garnish with caramelized popcorn - done! 

You can find this and many other delicious and above all healthy recipes on the Blog Healthyhappy – there are also many tips on healthy eating waiting for you! If you fancy some specially spiced popcorn, take a look too in our shop over!

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